Behind the Scenes Senior Portrait - Kyli Barr | Emily McGonigle Photography


Seriously. I have so much stuff in the queue, it's amazing. But, I'm taking a break from Photoshop to bring you another sneak peek of one of my lovely seniors: Kyli Barr!


Kyli is a senior at Ravenwood High School, and not only is Kyli a Senior Portrait client, but she's a senior model for EMP. AND... not only is she a senior model for EMP... she's my INTERN!

Kyli wasted no time asking about an opportunity to intern with me in her consultation for her senior portrait session. I just so happened to be contemplating looking for an intern for the summer, and she had great timing in asking. So after I got to know her a little bit, I knew she'd be a great fit on the team, and officially brought her on as an intern!

You may remember Kyli from a few months ago, when I posted images from her senior model session. She had her adorable pupper Milo with her for some of the shots. During her senior portrait session, we decided to go sans doggo, however that didn't stop all the dogs from finding her anyway!

For Kyli's makeover, we met with the ever fabulous Katrina Brooks. We chatted away, played with Katrina's dog Opie, and definitely made sure to have some Starbucks drinks on hand.


Okay, but seriously. Everywhere we went... dogs would find Kyli. She is the dog whisperer. I'm convinced.


The only thing that I think Kyli loves almost as much as she loves dogs, is her adorable baby blue Volkswagen Convertible Beatle. For her senior model session, we made sure to take photographers of Kyli with her dog, Milo. For her senior portrait session, we took photos with her car, and it was epic.

Take a look!

Don't forget to leave this pretty lady some love in the comments below!

Special thanks to Katrina Brooks for doing a fabulous job, as always, on Kyli's hair and makeup; to Matthew Simmons for shooting some BTS footage of the shoot; and to Haili Schubert for being an excellent assistant and intern.

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!


Emily McGonigle Photography is a Franklin and Nashville Portrait Photographer, and can be contacted for booking inquiries here.

Emily Rose McGonigle